How Do New Authors Get Book Reviews?

How Do New Authors Get Book Reviews?

We can cut to the chase: There is no magic answer. Reviews for any book—from a new author or one who has published a hundred books—traditionally published or self-published, come from 3 sources: Contacts: people the author can contact. Money: from the author’s...
Write Your Book in a Flash by Dan Janal

Write Your Book in a Flash by Dan Janal

There is no shortage of books to help fiction writers, from Bird by Bird and On Writing to the “Snowflake Method” and 5,000 Words Per Hour. But there doesn’t seem to be as many quality books about writing nonfiction and fewer still that treat the topic so...
How to Use NetGalley to Get Self-Published Book Reviews

How to Use NetGalley to Get Self-Published Book Reviews

Show me an author who isn’t eager—even desperate—for book reviews, and I’ll show you an author who doesn’t have a clue about book marketing. This post covers one of the most established (and authentic) methods of securing reviews: tapping the NetGalley community of...