by David Wogahn | Jun 6, 2019 | Metadata, Registration
PrePub Book Link is the new, modern online system for requesting a Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN). It replaces the 1990’s-style web portal that publishers and self-publishers used to submit LCCNs and CIP requests. Notably, it turns the formally two-step...
by David Wogahn | Aug 18, 2017 | Metadata
If you were around for the early days of MTV, you recall the novelty of watching music artists perform on your TV, rather than just through your speakers. There was a wide range of quality, and formats. Simple fare, like Robert Palmer’s iconic Addicted to Love, but...
by David Wogahn | Aug 4, 2017 | Metadata, Registration
A self-publishing imprint is simply the publisher name under which a self-publishing author publishes his or her books. The most common use of this name, and arguably most important, is when a self-publisher buys an ISBN. In the US, this is done through Bowker’s...
by David Wogahn | Jul 28, 2017 | Audience, Metadata
8 out of 10 authors I work with have done zero research into authors comparable to themselves. If they did, here are a few things they would learn: How do they market their book? Do they have a website? Do they blog and if so, what do they blog about? Do they have a...
by David Wogahn | Jun 30, 2017 | Metadata
The Makeover Challenge series looks back at a previously released book to see how it can be improved. Today’s subject is the metadata associated with the book Runaway Inequality by Les Leopold, published by Labor Institute Press. About the Book Runaway Inequality...
by David Wogahn | May 1, 2017 | Book Production, Distribution, Metadata, Registration
Welcome to the personal blog of David Wogahn, president of AuthorImprints. I began posting here in 2017, but have more than 300 posts (and guest posts) on the AuthorImprints blog. Here are 7 of the most popular posts and each links directly to its page on...