Book Reviews for a Successful Launch-A Presentation and Workshop for the BAIPA
Join me on February 6, 2021 for one or both of my sessions for the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association. This a Zoom meeting and anyone can attend. Scroll down for additional pricing details and how to register. Presentation Session: begins at 9AM Pacific...

Publishing a Nonfiction Book Series, a Case Study: Strategy—Part 1 of 3
In 2013 when I released Successful eBook Publishing, my goal was simple: build my platform. It worked, because I used it to get a course published by Lynda.com, now called LinkedIn Learning, and it led to numerous speaking engagements. My second release, Register Your...

Publishing a Nonfiction Book Series, a Case Study: Solution—Part 2 of 3
In Part 1, I talked about my early-2018 publishing goals and my rationale for rebooting my nonfiction publishing strategy. By August 2019, everything had come together with the publication of My Publishing Imprint. In Part 2, I’m going to share the five key decisions...

Publishing a Nonfiction Book Series, a Case Study: Results—Part 3 of 3
In Part 1, I described the challenges of one-off publishing, and my strategy for rebooting my publishing efforts and creating a series. Part 2 focused on My Publishing Imprint, since that was going to be the first book in the series. The two most important early...

Sell Books on Amazon-My 2020 Guide to Amazon’s 4 Book Selling Portals
There are 5 Amazon book distribution portals available to sell books on Amazon and which one to use depends on whether the books you are selling are used (including textbooks), new, self-published, Kindle eBooks, or audiobooks. There is also a wide range of...

How Do New Authors Get Book Reviews?
We can cut to the chase: There is no magic answer. Reviews for any book—from a new author or one who has published a hundred books—traditionally published or self-published, come from 3 sources: Contacts: people the author can contact. Money: from the author’s...

Self-publisher Help with Library of Congress PrePub Book Link & LCCN
PrePub Book Link is the new, modern online system for requesting a Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN). It replaces the 1990’s-style web portal that publishers and self-publishers used to submit LCCNs and CIP requests. Notably, it turns the formally two-step...

Review Writing Advice from Midwest Book Review’s Marj Charlier
I’ve written before about the importance and value of writing book reviews, so I thought I’d ask a professional reviewer how she goes about the process. In this interview with Midwest Book Review reviewer Marj Charlier, she answers 7 questions about a range of topics,...

Book Reviews-Your Number One Key to Successful Marketing
I was honored to be the featured speaker for the Diamond Valley Writers' Guild on March 23, 2019. I was recommended by IBPA CEO Angela Bole to speak on the topic of book reviews. Topics included: How important are reviews to the success of your book?How do you get...

Write Your Book in a Flash by Dan Janal
There is no shortage of books to help fiction writers, from Bird by Bird and On Writing to the “Snowflake Method” and 5,000 Words Per Hour. But there doesn’t seem to be as many quality books about writing nonfiction and fewer still that treat the topic so...